The Ghost of Sam Therapy

It has been more than a year and I have only gotten worse.

I did it. I finally disappeared. I removed the frontend for, I killed those frontends that stopped working entirely, I completely ignored DMs from the few people that cared any more, and I even finally deactivated my Discord account. I am free, right? right?

I have gone nowhere in the last year. I still work the same job I hate. I still live with my parents. I leave the house about every three months. I do not actually do anything. why?

I do not know any more. Wake up, work, go to sleep, repeat forever. The rut is eternal. My friends really want me to move back to the city. I would love to, but then I would pay way more in rent. I should also have to go back into the office in suburban hell five days a week, which I would rather not. The job market is a joke. It certainly does not help I picked a terrible field at an awful time.

What's the point? Not like it actually matters.

I've already disappeared. I've already done what I wanted. That's all I wanted anyway.
